Lend a helping hand. We work with residents, landowners, farmers, ranchers, acequia associations, local organizations, volunteer groups, youth groups, and others to:
Some examples of conservation efforts are:
Please see our Projects page to learn about current District conservation projects. Partner with other organizations. To accomplish conservation goals, Coronado SWCD partners with other agencies and organizations including:
Assist in flood protection. Coronado SWCD maintains the Piedra Lisa Dam. This dam helps protect the Town of Bernalillo from floodwaters. Learn more about the dam here.
Engage in planning efforts. Each year, the District develops an annual work plan outlining the major tasks and projects for the year. We also have a District Land Use Plan. We are involved in various regional planning efforts related to land use, water use, and watershed preservation in central New Mexico. More Information: |
Lynn Montgomery, Chairman Position 3; term expires 2024 Alfredo Baca, Vice Chairman Position 5; term expires 2023 Kathleen Groody, Supervisor Position 1; term expires 2023 Mary Catherine Baca, Secretary-Treasurer Position 2; term expires 2023 Susan Harrelson, Supervisor Position 4; term expires 2023 ASSOCIATE SUPERVISORS Jon Couch DISTRICT MANAGER Carolyn Kennedy TECHNICAL ADVISORS Katie Mechenbier NM Department of Agriculture Nickolas Goodman Natural Resources Conservation Service |
This page last reviewed/updated May 30, 2018